“Thanks for reaching out. Emma and I moved to Riverside California where I was hired by a defense contractor and more importantly by FedEx!!! I hope this message finds you well, and I cannot be more appreciative of the skills I acquired from you and Meegan during the Skills 4 Life class.”

“Thank you for all that you do for veterans and their families. We couldn’t successfully transition without people like you that volunteer their time and energy.”

“The workshop inspired me! It exceeded my expectations. If you don’t know what you want to do, AVA will help you figure it out. They will help you find what you care about, what you want to do with your life and they will teach you how to get there every step of the way. Once you finish this class, they won’t leave you, you’ve got support and networking that’s going to help you get to your dream job and live a happy life. It’s just magical!”

“This program helped me to understand myself, accept myself and use my pain to build something greater. I’m really blessed that I was a part of this program. – Marijana Sabados. Marijana is now part of our team as a career coach!”

“I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but I learned so much more from this class. 10 out of 10, I highly recommend.”

“This workshop over exceeded my expectations! I thought it was going to be by the book and boring. But, it was out of the box with interactive feedback and I really enjoyed it.”