Boots to Business (Fort Sill-April 2022)

Fort Sill

The Skills for L.I.F.E. Foundation and One Degree Collaboration, LLC are helping spread the word about the SBA VBOC Boots to Business and Reboot workshops in Oklahoma. This workshop is an Introduction to Entrepreneurship. You will be introduced to the skills, knowledge, and resources you need to begin and launch a business. Take the first [...]

SUPER Self Certification In-Person Workshop (Ft Sill- April 2022)

Fort Sill, SFL, Classroom 3 2502 Sheridan Road, Lawton, OK, United States

Through our certified, live, and interactive workshops we focus on the SUPER (Hard + Soft) Skills needed to transition in L.I.F.E., creating a #1 National Workforce. Register for one of our in-person workshops where you will learn to listen, communicate, relate, and negotiate your way through the employment process, working for someone else or as [...]

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